Elinor Gorrell vs Robert Dean (Keighley vs Undercliffe B)

On the 2nd of October 2018, I played my second league game, against Robert Dean.

Here's the game. 

I was ungraded and playing as White, and he was rated 154 ECF(roughly 1855 FIDE).

15.Bd4? Probably my first big mistake. After 15...Bxd4 16.exd4 I have an isolated d4 pawn, and if 15...Bxd4 16. Nxd4?? e5! I have completely messed up.

22. Qf3?? Blunder! I was getting tired and I overlooked the queen - rook fork with 22...Nd2!

26. Nd4?? Another blunder. After 26...Qb2!  whatever I do next will lose a piece. 27. Ne2 falls to 27...Rc2 and any other move leads to my queen being pinned to my king with 27...Rc1! 

Luckily for me, he blundered back with 26...Qc1?? He's still winning, but it's not quite as bad for me.

27. Nb5?? Yet another blunder! Allowing the earlier idea of Qb2.

27...a6?? Blunder.

After 31...Rxf2 I resigned.
