Elinor Gorrell vs FM Rupert Jones (Keighley vs Ilkley)

On the 18th of September 2018, I played in my first over the board league match, against FIDE Master Rupert Jones.

I was playing for Keighley and Rupert was playing for Ilkley. Let's take a look at the game.

14...Nb6? was a mistake from me - it would have been better to take the c3 knight.

21...Bf6? was also bad, as it completely destroys my kingside.

24...Qc7?? Blunder! Although my position is already bad, this pretty much guarantees a loss. 24...Ne5 would have been better.

25. Rxf6 A beautiful rook sacrifice from Rupert! I can't take it(see sidelines in the game) and anything else is still losing. I resigned.

                             1 - 0
