Elinor Gorrell vs Dale Cullum(Keighley vs College Graduates)

On the 13th of November 2018, I played the following game against Dale Cullum.

2. c6 This is the Slav Defence. I don't often play against it, so I wasn't entirely comfortable, but I tried to play logical moves.

7. Ne2 This is actually okay for White, though at the time I felt a little intimidated by the queenside pawns.

9. Qxc4?! Not a great move from me. 9.Nf4 would have developed my e2 knight to a strong square.

13. Qc2 Lining up my queen and d3 bishop.

17. f3?! Trying to prevent mate on g2, but 17. f4 would have done the job without losing the e5 pawn(as my queen is covering g2 after any f-pawn moves).

18. Bd2?? A horrific blunder from me. After 18... Rfd8 there's nothing I can do to prevent the loss of one of my bishops.

21. Bxh7+ Doing my best to gain some compensation.

25. Rab1?? A rather amusing blunder to polish off the game.

25...Rxe3 I resigned.

This was a fun game against an unfamiliar opening! Time to learn some lines against the Slav...

                              0 - 1
