Elinor Gorrell vs Kevin Winter (Keighley vs Bradford 165)
On the 16th of October 2018, I played my third league game, against Kevin Winter.
Let's take a look at the game.
I was ungraded and playing as White, and he was rated 144 ECF (roughly 1780 FIDE).
20...Bf6? Probably the first notable mistake. 20...e4 would have been the best move.
22. Qe2? Mistake from me. I should have played e4. In this position, if I play e4, I cement my winning position. If my opponent plays e4, he takes away a good deal of my advantage. Neither of us have seen this yet.
25. e4! I finally see my opportunity and I seize it! This move has the idea of fxe5, with a discovered attack on the h6 knight, plus an attack on the f6 bishop.
25... Qd8?? He overlooked the fxe5 threat!
26. fxe5! dxe5?! 27. Qxh6+! I am now up a piece and posing dangerous threats to their kingside.
46...Rf7 This wasn't a mistake from my opponent. He was trying to get himself stalemated so he could get a draw.
49. axb3?? I was playing way too fast, and I completely overlooked the fact that it was stalemate - and that I had checkmate in two. It was very frustrating, but I've learnt from the mistake.
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