Elinor Gorrell vs John Holliday(Keighley vs Bradford Knights)

On the 30th of October 2018, I played my fourth league game, against John Holliday.

Let's have a look at the game.

I was ungraded and playing as White, and he was rated 139 ECF(roughly 1743 FIDE).

20. ...Qxh4?? This was the first notable error.

23. ...Bxd4? This was a mistake from John. 23...Qe7 would have been better.

28. Rad1?? A huge mistake from me. I should have played 28. Red1, avoiding the complications with the Black queen and the e1 rook(see next moves).

29. g3?? Another huge mistake from me! 29...Rxd5  30.gxh4 Rxd1 31.Rxd1 Rxc5 is completely winning for black.

34.Qxa7?? You guessed it. Another terrible mistake from me. I needed to keep g1 covered.

36...Nf3? My opponent missed a mate in 2. It's a mate in 8 now.

I resigned here.

                                        0 - 1


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